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Enhancing Plant Biodiversity for a Vibrant, Thriving Ecosystem

This is a list of Evergreen Thumb episodes related to Plant Biodiversity. The WSU Extension Master Gardener volunteer program promotes stewardship of diverse ecosystems through invasive species management, native species conservation, and restoration in landscapes.

Earth’s biodiversity, the diversity of life across all levels, is on the decline. Animal and plant species face extinction at a rate far surpassing the natural pace. Biological diversity acts as a safeguard against declines in ecosystem functioning. Recognizing and comprehending local environmental issues catalyzes taking action to preserve native and vulnerable plant and animal species. Practices like reducing lawns, managing invasive plants, and promoting the use of native plants contribute to supporting biological diversity, extending from individual backyards to broader bioregions and beyond.

For additional information on how WSU Extension Master Gardeners work to enhance plant biodiversity for a thriving ecosystem, visit the WSU Extension Master Gardener program website.